EUSTAFOR Becomes an Ambassador of the “Biomass Counts” Campaign

The European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) has become an Ambassador of the “Biomass Counts” campaign established by the European Biomass Association (AEBIOM).

Currently, woody biomass from forests is the largest source of renewables in Europe, and its share is expected to grow by 2020.2 Around 42% of all the mobilized woody biomass supply in the EU is used for energy purposes.3 Bioenergy currently represents 60% of the EU’s total consumption of renewables. The objectives of EUSTAFOR and its members go along with the “Biomass Counts” campaign, which aims to promote biomass usage as a renewable and environment friendly resource. The campaign emphasizes the unique role biomass plays in a strong and competitive low-carbon economy.

EUSTAFOR members apply sustainable biomass production patterns which derive from national legislation on sustainable forest management (SFM) and multifunctional forestry. They are consistent with SFM principles developed by the FOREST EUROPE process. The high-quality forest management practices in European state forests are based on forest management plans and their high environmental standards have been further confirmed by forest certification. The latest figures reported by EUSTAFOR members show that of the approximately 42 million hectares of certified forests they manage, European state forests have a significant unused resource since only approximately 60% of the yearly growth in state forests is made available for wood supply.

In joining other European partners and becoming an Ambassador of the “Biomass Counts” campaign, EUSTAFOR wishes to give a clear signal that European state forest organisations value all their business partners equally. They are open to any partnerships which recognize the contribution made by state forests to the competitive low-carbon bioeconomy and the lowering of greenhouse gas emissions. Through active forest management and the multipurpose use of biomass from sustainable sources, EUSTAFOR sees immense possibilities to counteract climate change, to substitute fossil fuels, to create more green jobs and to play an important part in the transition towards a more competitive bio-based European economy.

EUSTAFOR’s 29 members (state forest organizations managing state forests) represent around one third of the EU forest area. They are committed to sustainable forest management and work with the existing forest certification schemes. The total harvest of EUSTAFOR members is over 123 million m3 of round timber per annum and together they employ more than 100 000 individuals.

  1. Any statement in this document is to be considered as a reflection of the best available professional expertise and does not necessarily reflect the political commitments of individual member organizations.
  3. content/uploads/file/AEBIOM%20Statistical%20Report/AEBIOM_European%20Bioenergy%20Outlook%202012sv.pdf
how can we manage the foot notes above?

Published 31/07/2015


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